Reinforced polyethylene pond liner, also known as RPE geomembrane liner, is mainly made with polyethylene resin mixed with carbon black, anti aging agent, anti oxygen agent, UV absorber, stabilizer and other auxiliary materials by automatic geomembrane production equipment applying three layers of total blowing technology. Our specially engineered reinforced polyethylene pond liner has the characteristics of lowest permeability, high tensile strength, excellent chemical resistance, high stress crack capacity and lowest permeability, smooth surface and long service life, etc. Our reinforced polyethylene pond liner is the ideal pond lining material for biogas coverage and lining project.

1. What Is Reinforced Polyethylene Pond Liner?

Reinforced Polyethylene Pond Liner is specifically designed to meet the requirements of pond and water containment applications. It is manufactured by combining high-density polyethylene (HDPE) with reinforcing materials like scrim or mesh. The addition of reinforcement enhances the liner’s strength and durability, enabling it to withstand the rigors of various water containment projects. The scrim or mesh is typically composed of polyester or other synthetic materials, which are woven or bonded into the HDPE liner during the manufacturing process.

Reinforced polyethylene pond liner is exceptional resistance to punctures, tears, and dimensional changes. These liners offer long-term performance and reliable protection against leaks. Moreover, they exhibit resistance to UV radiation, chemicals, and environmental stressors, making them suitable for diverse climates and water conditions.

During installation, reinforced polyethylene pond liners are secured to the edges of the pond or held in place using anchor trenches. The reinforced construction of the liner provides added stability, preventing shifting or stretching over time. This ensures that the liner maintains its integrity and effectiveness in containing water.

Reinforced polyethylene pond liners are a dependable choice for water containment projects of all sizes. Whether it’s a small backyard pond or a large-scale reservoir, these liners offer durability, strength, and effective leak prevention. Their ability to withstand external forces, coupled with their resistance to environmental factors, makes them a reliable and long-lasting solution for pond and water containment applications.

2. Why Chose Reinforced Polyethylene Pond Liner Indonesia for Biogas Project

Biogas production typically involves the anaerobic digestion treatment of organic manure waste from animals. A biogas pond, covered by a reinforced polyethylene pond liner, serves as a highly efficient anaerobic biological reaction device that combines fermentation and gas storage. The pond liner consists of two main components: the substrate and the mask.

The substrate is designed to prevent seepage at the bottom of the biogas pond liner, ensuring its impermeability. The mask, on the other hand, is responsible for sealing the biogas pond liner, maintaining its integrity. By utilizing a reinforced polyethylene pond liner, the storage of biogas and subsequent power generation in the biogas pond can be effectively achieved. This not only contributes to environmental protection but also helps prevent groundwater pollution.

The entire anaerobic pond is enclosed by the reinforced geomembrane pond liner, creating a closed system. The residual heat generated by biogas power generation and the absorption of sunlight by the black geomembrane contribute to a favorable warming effect within the pond. When sewage is treated using biogas technology, it offers advantages such as reduced sludge quantity and low operating costs. Furthermore, it enables the control of pollutant flow during the production process, minimizes contamination risks to crops, helps control epidemic diseases, and ultimately achieves zero discharge of sewage. Through the process of anaerobic digestion and precipitation, the goal of “zero discharge” can be realized.

The use of a reinforced polyethylene pond liner in biogas production systems ensures efficient containment of the biogas and facilitates the generation of energy. This approach not only promotes sustainable practices but also contributes to the overall reduction of environmental impact.

Reinforced Polyethylene Pond Liner for Biogas Project
Polyethylene Pond Liner for Biogas Project
Reinforced Polyethylene Pond Liner for Biogas Project

3. What Are Advantages of Reinforced Polyethylene Pond Liner?

Black geomembrane biogas pond has many advantages such as large anaerobic fermentation volume, long retention period of sewage, large amount of biogas production and low operating cost. Reinforced polyethylene pond liner has natural superiority in terms of its construction cost, easy to maintain and management, gas production, power generation, sewage treatment and so on, so it has strong economic, social and ecological benefits.

3.1 Improve Water Quality

Reinforced Polyethylene Pond Liner can effectively reduce COD, BOD, nh3-n, P and other organic matter in sewage, and solve environmental pollution caused by fecal sewage.

3.2 Reduce Acid Rain and Protect The Ecology

Biogas is a clean energy. It can reduce the emission of pollutants such as SO2 by replacing coal with biogas. According to the thermal efficiency analysis of coal burning, 1m3 biogas can replace 1.12 ~ 2kg of coal, reduce the emission of SO2 0.018 ~ 0.032kg, NOx0.008 ~ 0.014kg, and smoke 0.013 ~ 0.024kg. When used for household cooking, it can reduce the consumption of new firewood and protect the forest. Each household can protect 5 mu of forest.

3.3 GHG Emissions Mitigation

The use of clean energy (biogas) to replace fossil fuel coal has the effect of reducing CO2 emissions. Every cubic meter biogas can reduce CO2 emissions by 2.13 ~ 3.81kg. Using biogas technology to treat feces in large-scale farm can reduce the methane emissions caused by waste exposure. Biogas has a greenhouse effect 21 times greater than CO2. Every 10kg of waste can reduce biogas emissions by 4.18kg, equivalent to 87.78kg CO2. It can be seen that biogas project is a comprehensive basic industry to protect the environment, provide clean energy, make full use of resources and realize sustainable development.

4. Case of Reinforced Polyethylene Pond Liner for Biogas Pond

The choice of a polyethylene pond liner for the biogas pond project was based on several factors. In the case of our Indonesia customers, after receiving their inquiry in March 2018, we took proactive steps to assess the project requirements.

To ensure the success of the biogas pond project, we sent an engineer to visit the site and evaluate the specific conditions. After careful analysis, we recommended using BPM’s 1.2mm HDPE geomembrane for the pond lining. HDPE geomembranes are renowned for their excellent chemical resistance, durability, and impermeability, making them an ideal choice for containing biogas.

In addition to the pond lining, we suggested using a reinforced polyethylene pond liner for the coverage. This reinforced pond liner offers enhanced strength and stability, providing an extra layer of protection for the biogas pond.

To finalize the specifications and quantity of the pond liner products, we considered the dimensions and requirements of each biogas pond. The provided measurements indicate that the biogas ponds have a length of 81.5m, a width of 37.3m, a slope of 18m, a length of 76m, and a width of 25m. These dimensions were crucial in determining the appropriate size and quantity of the polyethylene pond liners needed for the project.

By selecting BPM’s 1.2mm HDPE geomembrane for the pond lining and reinforced polyethylene pond liner for coverage, our Indonesia customers can benefit from the superior chemical resistance, durability, and impermeability of these materials. This choice ensures the effective containment of biogas and contributes to the overall success of the biogas pond project.

5. Specifications of Reinforced polyethylene pond liner for biogas pond

  • HDPE geomembrane Thickness 1.2mm
  • Specification – 6m×50m, 300 m2 / 1 PCS
  • Total quantity – 75,000 m2
  • Weight – 84.6 T
  • Delivery time – one week

BPM brand reinforced polyethylene pond liner is mainly used for fish pond, aquaculture, artificial, landfill, tailings, dam slope protection,  pool control and other fields of seepage control projects.

About BPM

BPM Geomembrane had exported many types of effective and states of the art geomembranes  and other geosynthetics to over 36 countries. We are also providing professional design and installation service. OEM and ODM are also available.

If you have any questions or inquiries,  please contact us, we will reply as soon as possible.